It is a common mistake to think that productivity must be sacrificed in order to instigate better safety measure in a workplace environment. The progression of technology and newer, better ideologies have allowed experts to conceptualize tactics that can aid businesses in increasing their productivity while at the same time ensuring the safety of their employees. Here are four ways employees can work smarter and faster, but not harder, to reach their target.
A formal curriculum of safety training can be added to the employees’ initial training. This will help them stay aware of each situational hazard and will more often than not reduce the risk of accidents. By creating a low accident prone environment, the time focused on staying safe can be put to better, more productive use. All that time spent worrying on how to handle new equipment or even old ones for the lowest risk of harm but with the highest productivity output can be put to rest with this practice.
Another easy way to make sure workers know and enforce working safely is by providing a continuous atmosphere of improvement. This sort of continuity will lead to revamped, superior methods approaches that will finish the same tasks not only faster but better as well. This move calls for dedication and the ability to think ahead.
The third tip on promoting safety is to incentivize it. By promoting safety as something that is rewarded and respected, employees show a higher percentage of adherence to the rules, especially when coupled with periodic, unbiased feedback. Not only does earning respect lead to better work quality from the employee, it also promotes a feeling of responsibility.
The final piece of advice for a hassle-free production is the establishment of lean manufacturing processes. Also known as Six Sigma, this trend is a fusion of business methodologies, analytics, and hands-on practices that make up the production industry. This not only prepares the company for change more easily, but will streamline the production line to reflect a more safe and creative work environment for employees.